Vor uns der Morgen - Honeycakehorse on tour

HI, we ( DJ Jazzape, Annika Hauke ) are Honeycakehorse Productions. We are a mini label creating unique music mixes and unique covers. Our concept is as follows: Jazzape creates very cool music mixes out of his music libary ( All titles are licensed by Creative Commons and/or other open sources ). Every mix exists just once. I create covers. Again the covers are unique. You can listen to the mixes and choose one or as many as you like. Then you select a cover which you think fits best to your mix. There you go!
You can meet us selling our stuff at the festival 'Vor uns der Morgen' (www.vorunsdermorgen.de) 5.8.2016 - 7.8.2016 in the nice area of McPomm (Herrmannshagen). Get a ticket, come and spread the word!
Here are some examples of the covers: (to enlarge image click on thumbnail)